Master Bathroom Remodel: Vanity and Wood Trim

Feb 28, 2021 | Bathroom, DIY, Master Bathroom, Moulding | 9 comments

Week three of the master bathroom remodel is all about the vanity and the wood trim on the walls! So exciting…Ha!

I know…I get all geeked out over this remodel. When you’ve been dreaming up something for years and it finally comes to fruition, that’s pretty exciting if you ask me!

The Vanity

When it comes to the vanity, I went back and forth on having one custom made to fit the space, like the old one did (wall to wall). I contacted a cabinet maker, but he was over 6 months out…yikes. So I moved on to plan B pretty quickly.

Before, with the espresso vanity that fit wall to wall in the niche

I originally thought I would select a black vanity. I love a beautiful black vanity. But it proved to be difficult to find one that fit my tastes and also my budget.

I also debated on a stained wood. But I hit the same obstacles as I did with the black vanity. When it came down to it, I wanted an entirely different look from the espresso in the old bathroom. So white it was.


I am so very pleased with the furniture look of this new vanity. And yes, things roll under it…I get asked that all the time…I bought a long handled duster to fit under there. Problem solved. And I love it!

The Wood Trim

Now let’s talk about the trim on those walls! I cannot tell you how happy I am that I went with the contractor to do that job. It would have taken me a long time to finish this project on my own. And the shower area was definitely beyond my skill set.

He was able to whip this up in a less than two days…crazy fast. I kept peeking in to see the progress and knew instantly that I had made the right decision for the walls. I know it’s hard for some to see the wood up and the old wall color still underneath. But I could see the finish line and there truly are no words for how pumped I was. HA!

Just look at that gorgeous trim

Farewell to the Contractor

Before the contractor clocked out for good, he installed the new lights and hung the mirrors for me. He was so nice. It’s odd to have someone in your home daily for over a month and then have them just walk away one day. It felt like a going away party was due.

Mirrors | Lights

Once the contractor completed the trim on the vanity and wood trim on the walls, his work was done and he passed the baton to me to finish things up.

Don’t worry, the contractor came back one last time to finish the inside trim over the door.

Caulking and painting is still a big task, but something I was willing to do for the cost savings and because I felt a little guilty for keeping the contractor longer than originally planned. I may have had him do a couple…ok three…other projects while he was here:)  More on those later!

I’m so excited to share the final reveal with you next week! In the mean time, catch up on past posts here and here.

I made a video tour for a friend of mine and thought it would be fun to share here. My daughter edited this clip in about 5 minutes when I couldn’t even open it in iMovie…ha!

Sound was muted because…well…let’s just say I didn’t intend this for others to hear.








  1. Lisa A Peck

    Your bathroom is turning out beautifully!

  2. Janet R Lorusso

    This is looking SO great Amie! I love the millwork design and the vanity choice too!

    • Amie Druehl

      Thank you Janet! It was exciting to see it all come together the way I imagined it to!

  3. Anne DeCocco

    I love seeing how the trim really makes the room special and very custom. Your contractor was awesome.

    • Amie Druehl

      Thank you Anne! I agree, trim makes this space.

  4. Christie

    That Trim!!! Everything looks awesome and I love the mixed metals that you selected! That wallpaper in the WC looks amazing too- beautiful job!

    • Amie Druehl

      Thank you Christie! I love that water closet design…I hand painted it!

  5. Judith

    This is looking lovely. I know what you mean about saying goodbye to the contractor. They almost become part of the family!


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I’m an interior decorator, blogger and enthusiastic DIYer.  I help turn uncertainty into confident curation, breaking through preconceived rules of design to create a home you will love.


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