One Room Challenge: A Proper Office Ceiling (Week Three)
Here we are! Week three...the midpoint...already! I cannot believe how quickly these challenges go. Just when I think I'm golden and everything is working out and lining up great for the big reveal, I get thrown a wrench....
One Room Challenge: Choosing Office Layout (Week Two)
Welcome back to the Fall One Room Challenge - week two! Last week I shared the overall design plan for our home office. You can check that out here. This week I am sharing how I came up with the room layout. I also like to...
One Room Challenge: A Proper Office, Finally! (Week One)
I cannot believe it's time for the Better Homes and Gardens Fall 2020 One Room Challenge! Last Spring, I participated in my first challenge and absolutely loved it. So, I'm super excited to get going once again. Back in the...
One Room Challenge: Big Girl Room Reveal (Week Eight)
It's reveal time! This has been the most interesting introduction to The One Room Challenge. Not only was it my first time participating, but the obstacles that were present during quarantine made for some extra special...
Hi there! I'm Amie.
I’m an interior decorator, blogger and enthusiastic DIYer. I help turn uncertainty into confident curation, breaking through preconceived rules of design to create a home you will love.
Let’s create a home you love.