One Room Challenge: Big Girl Room Makeover (Week One)

May 5, 2020 | Bedroom, DIY, Kids Room, One Room Challenge | 0 comments

Big news over here! Not only does The No Rules Home have a new website…Yeah! I’m also jumping into the blogging world where I can share my passion for creating beautiful spaces with you all. My hope is that it will be both inspiring and enlightening, sprinkled with a good bit of realness and humor. Full transparency over here – the good and the bad. So here we go….

I am excited to announce that I will be a guest participant for the Spring One Room Challenge! If you’re not familiar with the challenge, it is an 8-week transformation of one room. I will be documenting the entire process right here (so be sure to sign up for the weekly emails.) Nothing like jumping in head first! HA!

Originally I was planning to redo our office, but then…as you know… the world around us took a sudden turn and my husband has been perpetually camped out in that dysfunctional space, working from home.

Fortunately, my little one finally decided she was ready for me to redo her room…hallelujah! It has pretty much looked the same since it was a nursery. But over the years (she’s almost 9) it has become a cluttered mess. I attempted a refresh of her room about a year ago that resulted in the world’s biggest out-of-body-style tantrum from both her and mom. It was not pretty.

Here are the before photos of her room…Yikes!

Oh that’s painful to see. My mind is overwhelmed by the chaos in this room.

The goal is to make this space a bit more grown up, while also embracing her littleness, so it can transition well from little girl to tween and beyond. I will be going mostly neutral to make it calming to the eye and easy to change things out as she gets older and her tastes change. Right now she still wants it to be fairly girly.

Here are some visuals of what I have in mind:


And last but not least…this is the design board I created so the little one could see what I was thinking and she could approve. Because, if she doesn’t love it, then I haven’t done my job!


Thank you for joining me on this journey! Don’t miss the coming weeks! Sign up to receive email notifications here.

I’ll also be sharing behind the scenes and room progress over on Instagram.


Follow all the other fabulous participants here.






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Hi there! I'm Amie.

I’m an interior decorator, blogger and enthusiastic DIYer.  I help turn uncertainty into confident curation, breaking through preconceived rules of design to create a home you will love.


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